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  4. Autres attractions
  5. Maruyama Park

Other Attractions

Maruyama Park

Maruyama Park is at its best in early April when the cherry trees start to bloom and hordes of people descend on the park for blossom-viewing parties. You can see groups of people picnicking under the trees and enjoying the lovely view. The centerpiece of the park is a splendid old weeping cherry tree, whose drooping branches fill up with glorious blossoms. When lit up at night, the tree is an otherworldly vision of beauty.
Maruyama Park is the oldest park in Kyoto, much beloved by residents and young people. It lies next to Yasaka-jinja Shrine, at the base of Kyoto's eastern mountains, and covers an area of 86000 square meters. It contains stroll gardens, rest houses, small orchards, Japanese restaurants, and much more. It is the perfect place to sit and rest after a morning or afternoon spent touring the many sights in the Higashiyama area.

Other Attractions

Maruyama Park

Maruyama Park is at its best in early April when the cherry trees start to bloom and hordes of people descend on the park for blossom-viewing parties. You can see groups of people picnicking under the trees and enjoying the lovely view. The centerpiece of the park is a splendid old weeping cherry tree, whose drooping branches fill up with glorious blossoms. When lit up at night, the tree is an otherworldly vision of beauty.
Maruyama Park is the oldest park in Kyoto, much beloved by residents and young people. It lies next to Yasaka-jinja Shrine, at the base of Kyoto's eastern mountains, and covers an area of 86000 square meters. It contains stroll gardens, rest houses, small orchards, Japanese restaurants, and much more. It is the perfect place to sit and rest after a morning or afternoon spent touring the many sights in the Higashiyama area.
473 Maruyama-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto
Access: 5 minute walk from City Bus Stop "Gion"

Parking: Maruyama-Koen municipal parking lot (134 cars, hourly payment required).

Wheelchair accessible: Yes, but some areas require assistance

Closed: Open all year

Entrance Fee: Free