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  1. Home
  2. News from Kyoto City
  3. We added Jogging Courses in the Kamogawa-river area and the one-lap of Takaragaike Pond


We added Jogging Courses in the Kamogawa-river area and the one-lap of Takaragaike Pond


We added Jogging Courses in the Kamogawa-river area and the one-lap of Takaragaike Pond

The mornings and evenings are getting chilly, but the weather has been very refreshing and comfortable during the day. 
We have added the Kamogawa River course and Takaragaike Cource to our web page. 
Autumn, as well as spring, is a popular season in which many tourists from Japan and abroad visit Kyoto. We hope you will find places where you can explore Kyoto in your own way.
For more details, please refer to the following URL
Jogging Course(Kamogawa River)
Jogging Course (Takaragaike Pond)