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Los santuarios y templos de Kioto se abren para oraciones y visitas matutinas

Los santuarios y templos de Kioto se abren para oraciones y visitas matutinas

Kyoto in the morning!

Even famous tourist sites are free of crowds if it's  early in the morning. It's your chance to leisurely enjoy Kyoto in a different atmosphere from the day. There are many temples and shrines in Kyoto which you can visit early in the morning. How about getting an early start and exploring Kyoto in the fresh air?

※When visiting temples and shrines, please keep the following in mind.
  • Try to be quiet and respectful in shrines and temples.
  • Refrain from  touching old buildinig and objects.
  • Do not take pictures where prohibited in someareas in shrines and temples.

Area Name Opening Time Visit Time *Last Reception Time Remarks
Kifune Kifune-jinja Shrine 6:00AM December to April 6:00AM - 6:00PM
May to November and January 1st to 3rd 
6:00AM - 8:00PM
Amulets & fortune slips  9:00AM - 5:00PM
※8:30- during some busy days of the year
※Extended during illumination
   Reception of prayer requests 9:30AM - 3:30PM
※Closing hours extended during illumination
Ohara Sanzen-in Temple Novomber 8:30AM 
Others 9:00AM
November 8:30AM - 5:00PM
December to Feburary 9:00AM - 4:30PM
March to October 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Koetsu-ji Temple 8:00AM 8:00AM - 5:00PM Cannot be seen on November 10th - 13rd
Kamigamo-jinja Shrine Outer areas  are open all day 5:30AM - 5:00PM (Main shrine area) Romon gate closes at 16:45
Special admission
Weekdays 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10:00AM - 4:30PM
※Subject to change during ceremonies & festivals
Josho-ji Temple 8:30AM 8:30AM - 5:00PM  
Kozan-ji Temple 8:30AM 8:30AM - 5:00PM  
Saga Arashiyama Tenryu-ji Temple 8:30AM
North Gate 9:00AM
8:30AM - 5:00PM  *4:30PM
North Gate 9:00AM -
Katsura/Oharano Yoshimine-dera Temple 8:00AM 8:00AM - 5:00PM *4:45PM From April 1st 2021
Weekdays 8:30AM - 5:00PM*4:45PM
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 8:00AM -5:00PM *4:45PM
Kitano-tenmangu Shrine 6:30AM 6:30AM - 5:00PM Reception of prayer requests 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Amulets & fortune slips  9:00AM - 5:00PM
※Praying in front of the main shrine building: -16:30
Hirano-Jinja Shrine 6:00AM 6:00AM - 5:00PM Amulets & fortune slips 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Ryoan-ji Temple May - November 8:00AM
December - Feburary  8:30AM
May - November 8:00AM - 5:00PM
December - Feburary  8:30AM - 4:30PM
Shuin inscription 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Shiramine-Jingu Shrine 7:00AM 7:00AM - 5:00PM Amulets & fortune slips 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Philosopher's Path
Heian-jingu Shrine 6:00AM Feburary 15th  - March 14th,October 1st - October 31st 
6:00AM - 5:30PM *5:00PM
November 1st - Feburary 14th 6:00AM - 5:00PM *4:30PM
March 15th - September 30th 6:00AM - 6:00PM *5:30PM
Honen-in 6:00AM 6:00AM - 4:00PM  
Ginkaku-ji Temple
*The Silver Pavilion
March - November 8:30AM
December - Feburary 9:00AM
March - November 8:30AM - 5:00PM
December - Feburary 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Konchi-in Temple 8:30AM March - Novembe 8:30AM - 5:00PM
December - Feburary 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Nanzen-ji Temple 8:40AM March - November 8:40AM - 5:00PM *4:40PM
December - Feburary 8:40AM - 4:30PM *4:10PM
From Dcember 28th to 31st, Visits are not allowed
Nanzen-in Temple 8:40AM March - November 8:40AM - 5:00PM *4:40PM
December - Feburary 8:40AM - 4:30PM *4:10PM
From Dcember 28th to 31st, Visits are not allowed
Higashiyama Kiyomizu-dera Temple 6:00AM 6:00AM - 6:00PM *Hours of operation may vary depending on the season
Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple 8:00AM 8:00AM - 5:00PM Treasure house 8:30AM - 5:00PM *4:30PM
Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku -Jinja Shrine 8:00AM 8:00AM - 5:00PM Reception 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Ryozen Kannon 8:40AM 8:40AM - 4:20PM *4:00PM December 30th 8:40AM - 1:00PM *12:40PM
December 31st Close
Imakumano Kannon-ji Temple 8:00AM 8:00AM - 5:00PM  
Sanjusangen-do Temple April 1st - November 15th 8:00AM
November 16th - March 31st 9:00AM
April 1st - November 15th   8:00AM - 5:00PM *4:30PM
November 16th - March 31st 9:00AM - 4:00PM *3:30PM
Central District Rokkaku-do 6:00AM 6:00AM - 5:00PM Reception of hand-written sutra offerings 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Honno-ji Temple 6:00AM 6:00AM - 5:00PM Reception 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Treasure house 9:00AM - 5:00PM ※Last entry 16:30
Gyogan-ji Temple *Kodo 7:00AM 7:00AM - 5:00PM Reception of hand-written sutra offerings 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Mibu-dera Temple 8:30AM 8:30AM - 5:00AM The Mibu Tomb 8:30~16:30
Around Kyoto Station 
Nishi-Hongwan-ji Temple 5:30AM 5:30AM - 5:00PM  
Higashi-Hongan-ji Temple March - October 5:50AM
November - Feburary 6:20AM
March - October 5:50AM - 5:30PM
November - Feburary 6:20AM - 4:30PM
Reception 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Kosho-ji Temple 6:00AM 6:00AM - 5:00PM Reception 9:00AM - 4:00PM
To-ji Temple 5:00AM The Kondo Hall and Kodo Hall 8:00AM - 5:00PM *4:30PM
Treasure house /Kanchi-in Hall 9:00AM - 5:00PM *4:30PM
Yamashina Bishamon-do Temple 8:30AM 8:30AM - 5:00PM *4:30PM
December 1st - March 15th 8:30AM - 4:30PM*4:00PM

※Information as of February 2022. Change in hours or temporary closures may occur. Please check for updates.

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