Think Local
Think Local
Message from Kyoto City
Requests to Ensure a Comfortable Kyoto Sightseeing Experience for Both Locals and Tourists
Kyoto Traveler's Promise:
Kyoto Travel Congestion Forecast
Kyoto Travel Congestion Forecast

Message from Southern Gionmachi
Kyoto Sustainable Tourism

Etiquette in Kyoto
Etiquette depending on place and situation

- You will find priority seating on all buses. Yield these seats to seniors, people with disabilities, and people with infants, etc.
- Refrain from talking loudly or making phone calls on the bus.
- It is recommended that tourists use the luggage delivery service, so as to enjoy riding the bus unburdened.

- Taxi doors open and close on their own.
- Catching taxis at intersections is prohibited. When possible, use taxis at stations and hotels, or catch one at an official taxi stand.
Residential areas

- Refrain from talking loudly in the residential areas.
- Walk in a single file while on the road.
- Do not eat while walking.

- Refrain from touching old buildings and objects.
- Do not take pictures where it is prohibited in the museum.
- Do not eat and drink where it is prohibited in the museum.
- Refrain from touching the exhibits.
Temples & Shrines

- Try to be quiet and respectful in shrines and temples.
- Refrain from touching old buildings and objects.
- Do not take pictures where it is prohibited in shrines and temples.
- Take your shoes off before stepping onto tatami floors.
- Bring a bag to carry your own shoes in when necessary.
- Check in/store your luggage or carry it in front of your body when visiting temples and shrines, in order to prevent accidentally damaging valuable cultural properties.

- Don’t bring your own drinks and foods to a restaurant.
- Don’t cancel reservations at the last minute.
- Please line up in an orderly way.
- Please reduce food waste.

See this pamphlet to learn more
Zero Food Waste in Kyoto project

- Do not eat while walking.
- When possible, bring your own reusable shopping bag and drinking bottle.
- When possible, support local businesses and buy locally made goods.
- Please make sure to leave the store before closing time when you go shopping.

- Please sit down to use the toilet.(European style)
- Please squat down to use the toilet.(Japanese style)
- Do not throw the toilet paper into the trash bin. Please flush the toilet paper down the toilet.
How to use the toilet
(European style)
(Japanese style)

- Don’t take the photos where it is prohibited.
- Be polite when asking maiko and geisha for pictures.
Trash disposal

- The number of garbage cans in tourist areas is limited, so the only available ones might be overflowing. Please always carry your own trash bag in order to be able to take your trash back with you in such cases.
- When buying take-out, do so at restaurants or stalls that have their own garbage disposal containers so as to not bring the empty containers elsewhere.
- Littering is prohibited in Japan.
- Please be aware that if you litter within a Beautification Enforcement Area, you will be fined up to 30,000 JPY.

- Smoking on streets and sidewalks is very dangerous and prohibited. Please smoke only in designated smoking areas.
Enjoy Bicycling life in Kyoto

- Please follow traffic rules when riding a bicycle.
- If you park your bicycle outside a designated bicycle parking area it will be removed and you will be charged ¥2,300 for its removal. If a rental bicycle is removed, you will also be charged for the cost to return it to the rental company and to keep it until it can be returned.
- Do not ride bicycles under the influence of alcohol.
Enjoy Bicycling life in Kyoto
Minpaku (Residence Rental) Accommodations

- For guests staying in Kyoto, for your safety, peace of mind, and for genuine hospitality, please stay at a licensed accommodation.
Public Bath(Onsen / Sento)

- Do not take a bath when drunk.
- Do not jump into the bathtub! Additionally, refrain from swimming in the tub.
- Do not put your towel in the bathwater. Leave it folded on the edge of the tub, etc.
- Do not let long hair soak in the bathtub. Tie it up, etc.
- Sit rather than stand when taking a shower, and do not splash water on other people.
- Do not use more than one space in the washing area or one locker in the dressing room. Be considerate of others.

- There have been a variety of problems concerning the use of fireworks, including individuals lighting fireworks late at night, fireworks producing loud noise, and bottle rockets flying into nearby neighborhoods.
- Make sure that the type of firework you plan to use is allowed in the place where you intend to use it; some types of fireworks are restricted, and there are areas where fireworks are prohibited altogether.
Safety Rules on Unmanned Aircraft (UA) / Drone

- An amendment to the Aeronautical Act was issued on Sep. 11, 2015 to introduce safety rules on Unmanned Aircraft (UA)/Drones.

- In order to enjoy your trip with peace of mind, please avoid going to places at times when they are crowded as much as possible. Please also check the live camera feed of popular tourist areas with predictions of how pleasant each place would be to visit at each time of the day.
Covid-19 Information
Airing of live camera feed to check congestion levels around tourist destinations
(Kyoto City Tourism Association YouTube Channel)
Understanding by infographic tools
In order to further public awareness regarding manners amongst foreign visitors to Kyoto who may have different customs and cultural backgrounds, “Enjoy Respect Kyoto” stickers have been created for distribution. If you spot one of these stickers during your travels in Kyoto, please act in accordance with the rules.

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