(Machiya townhouse, Gust house, Youth hostel etc)
In Kyoto, you'll find lodging facilities that cater to the various needs of its visitors. If you're looking to have a memorable stay, try a Kyo-machiya, a traditional wooden home renovated for overnight stays. There, you'll be sure to experience what living in Kyoto is like authentically. Some machiya offer Japanese cultural experiences with arts like calligraphy and kimono-wearing. Find your perfect inn, and enjoy some truly unique overnight experiences in Kyoto.

Kyoto Accommodation Award
The City of Kyoto gives awards to "Accommodations Exemplifying the Essence of Kyoto" with the aim of improving safe lodging facilities that lead Japan's tourism development, and exist in harmony with the local community. The goal of these awards is the opening of still more appealing lodging facilities and the improvement of services at those that already exist.