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  1. 지역 정보
  2. 카테고리 별 목적지
  3. 유적지
  4. Kyoto State Guest House

Historic Sites

Kyoto State Guest House

 Kyoto State Guest House was established in April 2005 in the historic city of Kyoto to welcome esteemed guests from around the globe, fostering mutual understanding and friendship with Japan. Designed to reflect a traditional Japanese architectural style deeply rooted in history and culture, its construction incorporates a wide range of traditional artisanal skills that represent the finest of Japan.

Primarily serving as a facility for hosting state guests, Kyoto State Guest House is also open to the public for guided tours when not reserved for official engagements. English guided tours are available on specified days—please check the latest schedule on our website.

Join us on a journey to experience the essence of Japanese tradition, artisanship, and hospitality through our informative guided tours.

For more information about public openings and to book an English guided tour, please visit our official website:



Historic Sites

Kyoto State Guest House

 Kyoto State Guest House was established in April 2005 in the historic city of Kyoto to welcome esteemed guests from around the globe, fostering mutual understanding and friendship with Japan. Designed to reflect a traditional Japanese architectural style deeply rooted in history and culture, its construction incorporates a wide range of traditional artisanal skills that represent the finest of Japan.

Primarily serving as a facility for hosting state guests, Kyoto State Guest House is also open to the public for guided tours when not reserved for official engagements. English guided tours are available on specified days—please check the latest schedule on our website.

Join us on a journey to experience the essence of Japanese tradition, artisanship, and hospitality through our informative guided tours.

For more information about public openings and to book an English guided tour, please visit our official website:
23 Kyoto-Gyoen, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City