According to the Chinese Zodiac, the year 2025 is the year of the snake. This animal has long been regarded in Japan as an auspicious being that brings about good fortune and fertility.
Since snakes grow and repeatedly shed their skin, they are also considered to be symbols of rebirth and resurrection, as well as vitality, immortality, infinity and prosperity.
The kanji character for “snake”「 巳」originates from a Chinese ideograph that represents the shape of a fetus, and signifies the time when plants reach full maturity and begin to grow fruit. Thus, its shape too, invokes the idea of the future and new opportunities.
For these reasons, the year of the snake is considered to be a year of change and development, during which one’s hard efforts will come to fruition.

In Japan, snakes are believed to be messengers of Benzaiten – a Buddhist guardian deity and one of the Seven Lucky Gods. She is worshipped as a goddess of the arts, wisdom, love, wealth and fortune.
Celebrating the day of the snake
Chinese zodiac signs are also assigned to different dates and circulate throughout the year. It is said that if you visit the shrine of Benzaiten during the “day of the snake” your wish will be delivered to the deity and have a higher chance of being granted, especially if it concerned fortune with money. The first day of the snake in 2025 will take place on January 12th (Sun) and re-occur every 12 days.
Washing money for good luck
As Benzaiten is also the goddess of water, it is said that washing away the bad luck that can be attached to money (called “zeniarai” or cleansing of wealth) will improve your luck with monetary fortune.
Spending the cleansed money and allowing it to circulate through the market is also believed to help spread the good fortune to others.
Temples and Shrines associated with the Year of the Snake
Snakes and Benzaiten are venerated in a number of places of worship in Kyoto, including famous locations such as the Matsuo Taisha Shrine, Bishamon-do Temple and Oharano Shrine.

Matsuo Taisha Shrine. Large plaque painted to celebrate the Year of the Snake.
See below for a full map of the temples and shrines associated with snakes and Benzaiten (available in Japanese):
(Information provided by: "Totteoki" Hidden Gems of Kyoto Project Office)