See & Do
The Kyoto Trail -Distance yourself from the city ー
See & Do
The Kyoto Trail -Distance yourself from the city ー

Content Partner
The 'My second hometown' project, through the free magazine Enjoy Kyoto and its affiliated website, is aimed at showing foreign visitors the deeper charms of this amazing city.
Content Partner

The 'My second hometown' project, through the free magazine Enjoy Kyoto and its affiliated website, is aimed at showing foreign visitors the deeper charms of this amazing city.
Higashiyama Course
(Fushimi Momoyama—Shōgunzuka—Philosopher’s Walk—Mt. Hiei) Approx. 34.1 km

Kitayama Eastern Course
(Mt. Hiei—Ōhara—Kurama and Ninose) Approx. 17.9 km

Kitayama Western Course
(Kurama and Ninose—Himuro—Sawanoike—Sanbi and Kiyotaki) Approx. 19.3 km

Nishiyama Course
(Sanbi and Kiyotaki—Toriimoto—Togetsukyō Bridge—Mt. Matsuo-yama—Kamikatsura) Approx. 12.3 km

Keihoku Course
(Hosono—Ōmori—Yamaguni—Yuge—Kumata—Hosono and Yamaguni—Kuroda) Approx. 49 km (not including the Yamaguni-Kuroda segment)

Costume provider:On Japan
Further information on the Kyoto Trail:
Read more article on Partner’s site

Language: English 'My second hometown' project, through the free magazine Enjoy Kyoto and its affiliated website, is aimed at showing foreign visitors the deeper charms of this amazing city.