See & Do
Stress management through Zen meditation: Close your eyes and open your heart
See & Do
Stress management through Zen meditation: Close your eyes and open your heart
SanZen Zen Temple Meditation Experience
Making Zen More Accessible and More Global
With increasing awareness of mindfulness and wellbeing, and more people pursuing a lifestyle of physical health and mental peace, more foreign tourists and corporate visitors to Japan are seeking out Zen meditation experiences at temples.
That’s where Kyoto Meditation Center stepped in as an intermediary between temples and foreign corporate and tourist clients.
Aiming to make zazen experiences more accessible, the center developed “SanZen” stress management solution based on Zen for foreigners, and began offering a zazen experience program as part of it.
The program was ultimately made possible because of Daisetz Sasaki’s overseas experience and fluency in English.

MICE Programs for a Major US Tech Company and University
The MICE/tourist-oriented experience program was implemented as a result.
It also works with a Kansai-based startup support organization to hold meditation experience tours, shojin ryori lunches and lectures about Kyoto’s history for groups of about 20 visiting Kyoto from venture capital funds in Asia, Europe and North America. Microsoft has also used Kyoto Meditation Center’s services as an early morning pre-conference activity.
Through a combination of classroom instruction and on-site learning at a temple, the participants completed the course with the confidence to guide tours of Kyoto’s Zen temples.

Zazen Meditation, Shojin Cuisine and Cleaning—Experience the World of Zen
It can be arranged to further incorporate work activities that are part of actual Zen training such as sweeping temple gardens and cleaning floors.
Participants will learn techniques to overcome daily anxiety and control stress by focusing on meditation and work activities.
Sessions last between 1 and 3 hours depending on the activities included, and the program can be tailored to the preferences, needs and number of participants and number of days over which it will be held.
Kyoto Meditation Center hopes to promote the benefits of Zen meditation to the world and serve as a coordinator to make Zen meditation more accessible for everyone.
For more information and reservation