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  3. Improving Public Awareness of Manners in Kyoto


Improving Public Awareness of Manners in Kyoto


Improving Public Awareness of Manners in Kyoto

In order to further public awareness regarding manners amongst foreign visitors to Kyoto who may have different customs and cultural backgrounds, new “Enjoy Respect Kyoto” stickers have been created for distribution.
These stickers are marked with cautionary messages, like “No Photos,” “Do not Enter,” “No Drinks & Food,” and more, and include pictograms to make them easily understandable. Kyoto City’s scenery has also been taken into consideration with the sticker designs, for which a wood grain background has been selected.
We will also send push notifications to foreign visitors to southern Gion who use designated cell phone and Wi-Fi services, which will direct visitors to a page about public manners in Kyoto.