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  3. 2022 Gozan Okuribi Schedule


2022 Gozan Okuribi Schedule


2022 Gozan Okuribi Schedule

Preparation for the 2022 Gozan Okuribi bonfires is underway and the bonfires are expected to be lit as scheduled.
Please note that the lighting time of the bonfires may be changed due to weather conditions such as rain or strong wind. Urgent news regarding the Gozan Okuribi bonfires will be available on the following website for your convenience.

The lit off time of  five characters:
August 16th
Daimonji (large):8:00P.M.
Myoho (Buddha’s remarkable teaching):8:05P.M.
Funagata (ship):8:10P.M.
Hidaridaimonji (large on Mt. Hidaridaimonjiyama):8:15P.M.
Toriigata (shrine gate):8:20P.M.

For details about Gozan Okuribi bonfires, refer to the following link: 
About the Gozan Okuribi bonfires

Cautions upon viewing the Gozan Okuribi bonfires