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Introducing about Jidai Matsuri Festival


Introducing about Jidai Matsuri Festival

 The 2022 Jidai Matsuri Festival will be carried out as planned on Suturday, October 22.
(If it rains on October 22, the procession will be rescheduled to the following day)
Jidai Matsuri Festival known as one of Kyoto’s biggest festivals, along with Aoi Matsuri Festival in May and Gion Matsuri Festival in July, is organized by Heian Jingu Shrine.
The festival is consists of a spectacular procession showcasing the eight different eras of Japan’s history, from the Meiji Restoration (around 1868) to the Enryaku period (782-806), in reverse chronological order.
We added an introduction to Jidai Matsuri Festival.
For more information about Jidai Matsuri Festival, Please refer to the following link: