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자세한 내용은 개인정보정책을 참조하십시오. 이 웹사이트는 기계번역을 사용하므로 내용이 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다. 번역된 내용은 원본 영어 페이지와 다를 수 있습니다.

  1. 교토 시로부터의 소식
  2. Introducing our new article: “The future of Kyoto tourism discussed with international Kyoto residents– Part 1 & Part 2”


Introducing our new article: “The future of Kyoto tourism discussed with international Kyoto residents– Part 1 & Part 2”


Introducing our new article: “The future of Kyoto tourism discussed with international Kyoto residents– Part 1 & Part 2”

 We added a new article to the "Sustainable Activities" section. We hope you enjoy it!
Hoping that every stakeholder can come together to create a sustainable future for tourism in Kyoto on the grounds of mutual respect, the Code of Conduct for Sustainable Tourism in Kyoto has been introduced. We acknowledge the importance of learning about the diversity of customs from multicultural perspectives in order to better communicate about Japanese customs and gain understanding.
Therefore, we held a roundtable discussion on life and tourism in Kyoto with six international residents of Kyoto.

“The future of Kyoto tourism discussed with international Kyoto residents– Part 1”
 “The future of Kyoto tourism discussed with international Kyoto residents– Part 2”