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  1. 교토 시로부터의 소식
  2. Introducing our Sustainable Activities article "Sustainable Beauty from Kyoto"


Introducing our Sustainable Activities article "Sustainable Beauty from Kyoto"


Introducing our Sustainable Activities article "Sustainable Beauty from Kyoto"

We added a new article to the "Sustainable Activities" section. We hope you enjoy it!

"Sustainable Beauty from Kyoto - A Dialogue between NEMOHAMO and SARASA YOSHIOKA"

Plants are the precious source of beauty for both NEMOHAMO, the new cosmetics company in Kyoto which uses whole and organic plants for their products, and the 6th- generation dyer of Yoshioka Textiles who uses only natural and time-tested dyes to create soothing colors. This is a translation of our content partner TSUMUGINO KYOTO’s article.