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  4. Kyoto City Bus

Kyoto City Bus

Kyoto City Bus

The Kyoto City Bus System operates in all areas of Kyoto City.
Buses operate frequently and they run through many tourist spots and stations.
As in the picture, the Kyoto City Buses are a green color.

Route Map

SUBWAY/BUS Navi-1(information)
SUBWAY/BUS Navi-2(route map)

To search travel routes, use this link:

Arukumachi KYOTO Route Planner  (Language: English)


  • The fare for adults is 230 JPY per ride. *The fare for children is 120 JPY. See details here.
    • *Fares are roughly uniform in the city center, but fares may vary for riding certain sections of routes.
  • Kansai One Pass or other IC cards can be used. There are sets for tourists which include 1-day passes for both subways and buses for 1,100 JPY (not usable on private railways). See details here.

How to take the bus


  • There are various buses connecting the major sightseeing spots, including the No. 100 express bus which passes several sightseeing spots, the No. 200 bus that makes a circuit mainly on the major roads, and the Kyoto-Okazaki Loop Line.
  • Buses have announcements and displays in English.
  • Available from roughly 6:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.
  • Note that work and school commuting times are crowded. (7-9a.m., 6-7 p.m.)
  • You will find priority seating on all buses. Yield these seats to seniors, people with disabilities, and people with infants, etc.
  • Refrain from talking loudly or making phone calls on the bus.
  • In addition to Kyoto municipal buses, there are also privately operated buses such as Kyoto Bus and Keihan Bus.  Be careful, as locations of stops differ depending on the type of bus.
  • It is recommended that tourists use a luggage delivery service, so as to enjoy riding the bus unburdened.

Useful lnfo